Leadership Tips & Insights
Want to grow as a leader? Get 30-plus years of professional experience helping organizations grow and prosper.

Who Do You Trust?
How can you know who to trust and what to trust?

Who’s Most Important
The best leaders count others more important than themselves, standing behind them and helping them reach their potential.

The Importance of Finding & Spreading Peace
Perhaps you have never thought of these two ideas as connected, but I believe there is a considerable correlation between them. Let’s discuss.

Leadership 101
Be the leader who embraces challenges. Use them to build character and be the person God calls you to be.

How God Gives Us Power
Power comes from God to those of us who are followers of Christ and are on a journey to submit to him and bring out the truth of the Lord’s prayer, where it says, “Your will be done.”

Why Christians Aren’t Wimps
Christians are not supposed to be wimps. We’re supposed to have confidence in God to exert power. But here’s the thing, we need to exert His power.

The Character Traits of Successful Leaders
I have a simple definition of leadership: A leader is a person others choose to follow voluntarily.

Slow Down and Behold!
‘Behold’ is used 1,298 times in the King James version of the Bible. It is derived from the Greek word ‘eido,’ which has the literal translation of: be sure to see. Or as I like to think of it — don’t miss this.

Cultivate the Success of Others
When you are humble before God, you can listen to other people, listen to God, and not be defensive.

An Interview with Pastor Barry
Pastor Barry Crane from North Sound Church in Edmonds joined me virtually to discuss what it’s like leading a church during a pandemic.

The Three-Day Rule
Whenever you are faced with a decision or something problematic in your relationships, do not respond for three days.

Seek a Discerning Heart
You can have what Solomon was given by the Lord. He wrote it down in the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.